Monday, 5 November 2012

Prescription glasses can be made stylish

Glasses are not only worn by the ones whose retina stops functioning properly, but they are excellent medium to protect your eyes from the dust, radiation and ultra violet rays of the sun. You can give a rich look to your personality along with protecting them by procuring the right Glasses. Commonly glasses are preferred by us when we face visual impairment, when we are unable to trace the distant objects, and face problem in reading. Visualization problems usually occurs if the image is formed behind or before the retina, which can be easily removed by wearing concave or convex glasses depending upon the problem, i.e. is whether you are suffering from myopia or hyperopic.

But apart from removing visual impairment, they are also used to protect us from ultra violet rays of sunlight, as these are rays are harmful and damage the cornea, when huge amount of light directly fall on our eyes, pupil is not able to protect the retina and cornea. They not only protect our eyes from radiation but also from dust and allergy. They also protect us from the glare of shiny surfaces and certain frequencies of light cannot enter our eyes, if we wear glasses. Prescription Glasses are ingenious for those who are facing visual impairment, but to hide our defect most of us avoid wearing them, which could elaborate your problem, and you need to wear higher strength glasses. Prescription glasses can be made stylish which instead of acting as a patch would enhance your stylishness.

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