Friday 29 June 2012

Now you can purchase Chicken Coops

Gone are the days when people build their chicken coops by themselves because now a day’s many manufacturers are available in market that produce coops as per your requirement at very reasonable rates. Building chicken coops for hens was very tedious and time consuming process so to purchase it is better option. While going to buy coop for your chickens first of all you need to determine the no of chickens, if chickens are more in number then coop should also be bigger in size. Next thing is that it should be properly ventilated so that proper air and sunlight may come in but space for ventilation should not be too large otherwise any predator can cause harm to your coops. 

Another point to remember is that the surface of coop should not have any harmful material like wires otherwise chickens legs may caught in it. If your main purpose behind breeding chicken is for eggs then you must include nest also otherwise eggs may break. Don’t forget to clean it frequently because messy coop can cause harm to your hen’s health which in turn affect your health also. If you place dish for water and food then it should also be cleaned after a regular interval.  Now mobile chicken coop are also available in market. It has its own advantages like it is very easy to clean because you can move it anywhere to clean, it can be shifted from one place to another, and so if you are not happy with the place of it then you can change it frequently.

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